Privacy Policy - निसर्ग रंग
निसर्ग रंगमध्ये तुमचं स्वागत आहे!

Privacy Policy

This website is provided by Paramount Digicom We take the privacy of our website users and the security of their personal information very seriously. The purpose of this Privacy Policy is to set out the principles governing our use of the personal information which you give to us, or we obtain about you, via the web. By using this website, or (where applicable) by registering as a user of the online services which we provide, you agree to this use. We ask you to read this Privacy Policy carefully. Any dispute which may arise over privacy will be subject to this policy, any collection notice is given to you and the provisions of Indian law.

We may change our Privacy Policy from time to time. Therefore, we ask you to check this Privacy Policy occasionally to ensure that you are aware of the most recent version which will apply from the time you access this website. We will, of course, notify you of any changes where we are required to do so.

Information Collection & its Use

In common with many commercial organizations, we monitor the use of this website by collecting aggregate information through the use of cookies (see below). Typically, we collect information about the number of visitors to the website, to each web page and the originating domain name of the visitor’s Internet Service Provider. This information is used to understand the visitor’s use of the website and may be shared with other companies within the Group and with other third parties. We have no means reasonably available to us to ascertain the identity of individual users from aggregated information.

If you are required to register in order to use this website or to otherwise complete an online application form (eg to obtain email updates) then we will collect personally identifiable information about you, such as your name, e-mail address, country of residence and other information which you voluntarily submit.

We intend to continue improving the content and functionality of our website. Therefore, we may collect information about how you, in particular, use this website through the use of cookies (and other similar technologies) (see below). We may also monitor customer traffic patterns and site usage to help us to improve the design and layout of our site, personalize your experience by tailoring the content you see thus optimizing your user experience. We may also perform statistical analysis on our members’ accounts to determine, among other things, how many of them are active, how frequently they are used and how many of our other websites you are registered with.

Occasionally, we may obtain sensitive personal information about you, for example, information relating to your physical or mental health or condition, but only if you voluntarily provide us with this information. By providing us with this information you consent to us processing your sensitive personal data for the purposes set out in this Privacy Policy and any collection notice provided.


We may also obtain information about your opinions if, for example, you send us feedback, or ask us questions. We may also, occasionally, receive information about you from other sources (such as third parties or other companies within the Group) which we will add to the information which we already hold about you in order to help us improve and personalize our service to you.

If you provide us with information about another person e.g. a colleague of yours, you confirm that they have appointed you to act for them, to consent to the processing of their personal data information, including sensitive personal data, and that you have informed them of our identity and the purposes (as set out in this Privacy Policy) for which their personal data information will be processed. We may disclose personal information data in order to comply with a legal or regulatory obligation, or in response to a non-mandatory request for information made by a governmental or state body.

You consent to our transferring your information to countries or jurisdictions which do not provide the same legal level of data protection as your home country. If we do make such a transfer, we will ensure that your information is appropriately protected while in transit and while in the destination country.

How we protect your information

We have in place appropriate security policies which are intended to ensure, as far as reasonably possible, the security and integrity of all our information, including your personal information.

Use of cookies

Below is a summary of our use of cookies.

In general terms, cookies are small text files which are sent to your web browser and stored on your computer’s hard disk. Cookies act as a memory for a website, allowing that website to remember your computer on your return visits. This is particularly important for websites that require you to sign in as it speeds up your access. We use both session cookies (which exist only until you close your web browser) and persistent cookies (which exist for a longer, specified period of time).

Some of our advertising banners may send a cookie to your hard disk (whether or not you click the banner). If you subsequently visit the advertised website we will know that you have seen our banner. This allows us to keep track of the success rates of such banners.

We also include web beacons (also known as clear GIFs or web bugs) in our emails to track the success of our marketing campaigns. This means that if you open an email from us and click an embedded link, we can see which pages of the site you visit. Our web beacons do not store additional information on your computer but, by communicating with our cookies on your computer, they can tell us when you have opened your email. If you object to web beacons, we recommend that you follow the instructions for deleting existing cookies and disabling future cookies below. We will still know how many of our emails are opened and we will automatically receive your IP address, a unique identifier of your computer or another access device; but we will not identify you as an individual because this information is aggregated.

The majority of web browsers accept cookies, but you can usually change the web browser’s settings to refuse new cookies, disable existing ones or simply let you know when new ones are sent to your hard disk. However, please be aware that, if you refuse or disable cookies, some of the website’s functionality may be lost.

Agents and Service Providers

We sometimes employ other companies and individuals to perform functions on our behalf. They may need access to your personal information in order to perform their functions. However, rest assured, they may not use your personal information for any other purpose.


Our website is directed at an audience of the age group of 9 to 14 years of age.

Improper conduct

We may use the information we gather and/or receive about you to investigate and help prevent unlawful activity or activity that threatens our network or otherwise jeopardizes the provision of this website and we may disclose such information to third parties (such as the police) for these purposes.

Access and corrections

If we process personal information about you, then you have a right under data protection law to request access to that personal information (for which we may charge a small fee). You also have a right to require any inaccuracies in your information to be corrected free of charge. You can ask us to modify any details which are inaccurate by sending an e-mail to Please state your name, username (if any), registration details (if any) and the name of this website clearly on all communications.

Other information

You should note that if our business (or any part of it) is sold or transferred at any time, the information we hold may form part of the assets transferred although it will still only be used in accordance with this Privacy Policy.

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